Before answering questions concerning the main "Favicon How To" topic, let's clarify what a favicon icon means and why does all self-respectable websites and blogs need to create a favicon.ico.
A Favicon icon (aka Favorite icon, shortcut icon, web site icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon) - is a small 16x16 image in a special ICO format that is displayed:
For what do we need to make favicon? This element of design is used to create an unique display of the site or blog in the browsers tab. Imagine that the user opens a lot of tabs and icon is the only possible way to identify your website. Surely, you noticed, that going to bookmarks section, you are looking for website not by its name, which is lost in the background of other bookmarks, but by an unique icon.
So, this is the favicon icon and we are going to explain you how to create favicon.ico by yourself. Beautiful icon makes the site unique, original, attracts attention of users, as well as makes the site more memorable.
We have added numerous tips and ideas for you on how you can create an attractive icon. Check the How to create a good icon and What you should keep in mind while using online ico maker.
In this article we are going to focus on a process itself. So let's start.
<link rel="icon" type="image/ico" href="/favicon.ico" />
Important: Simply changing the filename extension to .ico without converting it to an ICO file will result in an error and not displaying the favicon. Use Faviconer tool to make favicon online without installing additional software.