Why this icon editor free?

We like to help people to create favicon.ico. We know how difficult is to find a good software to complete this task. Creating favicon is not a frequent task so why you should spend you time searching and installing some software to make icon only once? We are happy to grow our community and you are welcome to use our service.

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Icon Editor tool by Faviconer.com

You can use our tool for free, no need to download and install.

Create website icon

This editor is created with PHP and jQuery and it allows you to edit any graphic image before converting it. The editor itself, is a pixelated canvas scaled by 10. On the left you can also preview the original tiny icon image, just like it will be displayed in your browser.

We offer 5 different tools to manipulate the canvas and create. Here is the list of all tools available:

  • Move tool - you can move the canvas to align the image, center it, move it to any corner. If you convert from any graphic image this tool will help you to fix the favicon layout.
  • Color Picker - this tool will help you to fine tune icon colors and get the hex color codes of each pixel. Pick color from current icon.
  • Pencil Tool - draw a single pixel on the canvas using defined opacity (scaling from 0 to 100%) and color settings.
  • Eraser - removes any pixel from the canvas.
  • Paint Bucket - fills the continuously colored area (path) or the whole canvas with defined color and opacity. Just click to fill anything.

While editing you can use Keyboard Shortcuts. Horizontal slider just below the color wheel helps you to adjust the color pressure and opacity. Please note that the final favicon.ico supports transparency levels and will be rendered transparent in browser.
